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How to Heal: Dissecting Sickness & Disease (E-Book)

How to Heal: Dissecting Sickness & Disease (E-Book)

Once you checkout and reach the thank you page, you'll be able to download The How To Heal: Dissecting Sickness & Disease E-Book and you'll also receive an automated email containing The E-Book.


This E-Book consists of 15 pages.


How to Heal: Dissecting Sickness & Disease Explained:


I (Heru: The Founder of Heru's Holistic Healing) created this book based on years of extensive research and clinical trials in order to provide the masses with an extremely simple understanding of the following topics:


1.) What CAUSES all sicknesses and diseases


2.) How to PREVENT all sicknesses and diseases


3.) How to begin HEALING from all sicknesses and diseases


The concept of healing within this book has allowed me to heal myself as well as 1000’s of individuals across the world!


Why wait?!


Let’s start learning so that WE can develop a better understanding on how to heal from all sicknesses and diseases. In doing so, this will help US immediately provide OURselves, OUR Family and OUR Friends with a better quality of life!!!

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    "The information and products within this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease". 

    ©2020 by Heru's Holistic Healing. Proudly created by JayAlise WEB Creation

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